Back to school! Well, probably not for some of us. You've probably noticed that I haven't mentioned anything about exams in the two months that I've started this blog.
It's because I didn't have any. But I'm not working, yet. I'm still a university student, and I was on a very long holiday, and now it's back to classes.
Problem is, classes are a long way away from KL, so I can't stay here. It's not in another country, I'll still be in Malaysia.
But because the place I'm staying at has internet connections as erratic as the weather, I'm not sure how often I can update this blog. Don't worry, I'll still blog when I can!
Anyway, I'll be moving back tomorrow. Le sigh.
Okay, let's have a trivia. If anyone can take a guess as to where I'm studying, I'll send them a picture of me! Haha omg narcissism at its best. As an added extra bonus, I'll send them a handmade card also. My art isn't too shabby, if I say so myself.
Are you taking me seriously? Cause if you are, then email me possible answers. First person who guesses correctly wins a handmade card! (And a picture of me, if you want)
Hint #1: I'm studying in Malaysia, but not in KL or Selangor.
Hint #2: I'm not studying in a local university.
The only people who cannot join in is the owners of Chic Damsel, Clothes For Fun, and My Clothes Affair! It'll only be fair, because I've bought items from #1 and #3, and #2 has my Facebook so yeah.
Cheers people!
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